IT Infrastructure services
Our different Infrastructure services includes:Onsite or Remote Desktop Support: Our support desk is ready to access desktops computers to install or update software, troubleshoot issues and provide assistance quickly
Onsite or Remote Server support and maintenance: We assist you with server specifications, purchase, and Installation. Allow your business to reduce down time by using a professional server support service to troubleshoot issues and resolve them timeously.
Patch Management: It is important to keep all systems and applications up to date, to help protect your data asset. This can also reduce downtime. Our team can efficiently manage all your patching requirements.
Network Management: Network cabling, switches, routers, Firewalls, Wireless Access Point, Internet connectivity, VPN etc … forms the backbone of your IT infrastructure. Your network needs careful design, professional implementation and support. We have partnered with market leaders to bring to you the most efficient and secure network and connectivity solutions.
Cloud backup: You have the choice to backup your information to on-premise storage ,cloud storage, or both.We manage and monitor the entire process.